Monday, November 22, 2010

How to change an oil pan gasket?

Empty oil from drain plug

May as well change your oil filter since you will have to refill the oil

Loosen bolts on oil pan

Take pan out, may need to pry a bit if it sticks.

Take a scraper and remove all of the old gasket and sealer from the pan and block

May as well clean out the oil pan if it is gunky, use gas to rinse, not water. Dry it out.

Put new sealer on pan careful to not plug up bolt holes

Lay gasket over that

Bolt up to block, use torque specs. ask parts store for those. Tighten in a varrying pattern like lug nuts, not clockwise or you will tighten uneven and squeeze gasket wrong which can lead to a leak.

Refill car with oil.

The end.How to change an oil pan gasket?depends on what vehicle.